
1. Requirements#

  • python >= 3.8 or newer

  • Numpy

2. Installation#

Given that MOFTransformer is based on pytorch, please install pytorch (>= 1.12.0) according to your environments.

Installation using PIP#

The simplest way for installing moftransformer is to use PIP.

$ pip install moftransformer

Editable install#

If you want to modify the code, you can use the develop mode.

$ git clone
$ cd MOFTransformer
$ pip install -e .

3. Download model and data#

You can download various data and models used in MOFTransformer through the command line or python code.

  1. (requirement) Pre-trained models (ckpt files of PMTransformer, MOFTransformer)

  2. Fine-tuned models (h2 uptake and band gap)

  3. The pre-embeddings for CoREMOF database

  4. The pre-embeddings for QMOF database

Download using command-line#

You can download the file through the following command.

$ moftransformer download [target] (--outdir outdir) (--remove_tarfile)

Each argument is as follows:

  • target : One or more of the pretrain_model, finetuned_model, coremof, qmof

  • outdir (–outdir, -o) : (optional) Directory to save model or dataset.

    • default pretrain_model : [moftransformer_dir]/database/pmtransformer.ckpt or moftransformer.ckpt

    • default finetuned_model : [moftransformer_dir]/database/finetuend_model/

    • default coremof : [moftransformer_dir]/database/coremof/

    • default qmof : [moftransformer_dir]/database/qmof/

# download pre-trained model (required)
$ moftransformer download pretrain_model

# download graph-data and graph-data for CoREMOF (optional)
$ moftransformer download coremof

# download graph-data and graph-data for QMOF (optional)
$ moftransformer download qmof

# download fine-tuned model (optional)
$ mofransformer download finetuned_model

Download using python#

Another method is to use the python code.
Commonly, it has two optional factors direc and remove_tarfile, which are the same as above.

from import (

# download pre-trained model
# download coremof
# download qmof
# download finetuned_model

4. Install GRIDAY (Optional)#

If you want to calculate energy grids with cif files, you can use GRIDAY. A GRIDAY is a tool for calculating energy grids shape of porous materials. (reference :



Installation using command-line#

The simplest way is to use console scripts in bash.

$ moftransformer install-griday

Installation using python#

Alternatively, it can be installed by running the following function on Python.

from moftransformer.utils import install_griday


Installation using make#

If the installation is not done perfectly, you can go directly to the path and install it.

The c++14 version is required to use the GRIDAY. In anaconda virtual environment, the corresponding version can be installed as follows when c++ version is incorrect.

$ conda install -c conda-forge gcc=9.5.0
$ conda install -c conda-forge gxx=9.5.0

Once the correct installation of g++ is completed, the GRIDAY could be installed in the following way.

$ cd [PATH_MOFTransformer]/libs/GRIDAY/  # move to path of griday-file
$ make              # make Makefile
$ cd scripts/
$ make              # make Makefile

If the grid_gen file is created in scripts/, it is installed.